Changing Lives
While focusing on strong relationships, we strive to assist smallholder farmers to engage in a successful and sustainable agribusiness sufficient to provide for the needs of their families. The result would seek increased self-confidence, self-sufficiency, and resilience. We believe there is immense potential to reach this goal. This belief is based on the current strengths of the community and the opportunities to solve existing challenges.
Current Strengths:
Plentiful land with soil that has produced yields up to 130-140 bu/ac.
No cost land that is awarded by the village chief.
Demonstrated improved agricultural productivity by farmers implementing conservation farming practices.
Strong local leadership with a passionate desire to improve conditions in their own communities.
Local conservation farming trainers.
Opportunities to solve existing challenges:
The opportunity to increase yields two to three-fold through agronomy education and support. Yields are currently as low as 17 bu/ac with some farmers achieving up to 48 bu/ac.
The opportunity for improved financial stability through business education, introducing concepts of budgeting, profit, loss, and economic evaluation of differing agricultural practices. Farmers have not been exposed to business education and do not manage income and expenses.
The opportunity for maximizing crop potential through input loans. Currently farmers plant based upon their ability to obtain inputs, often with insufficient fertilizer to support plant health and not enough seed to provide for their family’s annual dietary needs.
The opportunity for enhanced decision making through implementation of adaptive management practices and improved business practices.
The opportunity for increased resilience through crop diversification, improved agricultural practices, soil health, and enhanced decision making. Monocropping, tillage, erosion, nutrient mining, and crop residue removal have resulted in degraded soils, increased weed and insect pressure, and decreased yields.
The opportunity for enhanced water management through drought tolerant crops, focused soil improvements, potential water catchment and irrigation systems.
The opportunity to increase calories and nutritional content of food through community gardens and education in local schools. Many households have both a limited quantity and variety of food options.
The opportunity to decrease post-harvest loss from spoilage, weeds, and insects through improved storage options and crop rotation.